Anthony Rini

Chief Operating Officer



Anthony Rini was appointed Vice President for Administration and Financial Planning in August 2019. He is responsible for leadership and oversight of Facilities, Campus Planning and Real Estate, Human Resources Management, and long-term financial planning, with a particular focus on driving innovation and transformational change. In his previous roles as Northeastern's Vice President for Finance (2017-2019) and Senior Vice Provost for Budget, Planning and Administration (2011-2017), Rini has provided leadership of the Office of Financial Planning, Strategy and Analytics, Business Services, academic space planning and budgeting, University Decision Support, Office of the Registrar and Commencement. He has been principle in implementing Northeastern’s hybrid budget model, as well as repositioning and rebranding the institutional research and budget office functions. Rini holds a Master of Public Administration from the University at Albany, SUNY, and a doctoral degree in education from the University of Pennsylvania.