Deposit cash or checks
If you receive checks that need to be deposited into your department’s account and are not Advancement gifts, you can follow the steps below to ensure that the money is credited properly and in a timely manner:
checkSolution 1: Deposit checks
This process is for receipts that are not Advancement gifts and fundraising.
Step 1
Verify the following:
- The check is made payable to Northeastern University. We do not accept third-party checks (made payable to someone other than Northeastern University and endorsed on the back).
- The written and numerical amounts of the check match.
- The date of the check is valid and has not expired. The period of validity is typically stated right on the check, and most checks are valid up to 180 days unless otherwise stated.
- There is a signature on the check.
- The check is written in ink, not pencil.
- The check is in US dollars and drawn on a US bank or US branch of a foreign bank.
- The check is not a gift or donation. These should go to Advancement Information Systems for processing. Contact AIS at [email protected] for additional guidance.
Step 2
Fill out the online Department Deposit form.
Step 3
Depending on the Banner index that you provided, you will receive instructions to submit check/cash to Treasury Services or another department.
Step 4
Your online request will be routed to the appropriate queue for review (Treasury Services or another department).
Step 5
Follow the guidance in the email notification that your deposit request has been submitted for delivering your physical checks appropriately.
Step 6
You will receive a notification with CASHNet transaction number when your request has been processed.
Contact Us for Help
- For more detailed instructions, please see Department Deposit Process User Guide at Department Deposit Process User Guide
- For any further questions, please contact Treasury Services at [email protected] or 617-373-4234.
checkSolution 2: Deposit Cash
Departments that accept cash on a regular basis need to be pre-approved by the Treasury Department. If you are not currently a pre-approved department but have a one-time cash deposit you will need to submit a form to the Department Deposit site, please be aware of the following before submitting your Department Deposit form online:
1) You cannot send cash via inter-office mail; cash needs to be hand-delivered to Treasury Services at 177 Huntington Avenue.
2) You will need to contact Treasury Services beforehand to set up an appointment to deliver the cash- 177 Huntington is a high-security building that does not allow unscheduled walk-ins access to the building or to the floors without prior approval; also, cash cannot be left with front desk personnel- they do not accept any items on behalf of offices in the building.
3) If your total cash exceeds $1,000.00 you will need to arrange for a campus police escort to accompany you to 177 Huntington Avenue; if your total amount is under $1,000.00 you will need to have someone (co-worker, etc.) accompany you for the cash delivery. This is for safety as well as verification.
Alternative options to consider would be a personal check, money order, or cashier’s (bank) check to cover the cash submission- these all can be forwarded via inter-office mail.
4) If you are able to meet the above requirements and wish to proceed with your cash deposit, you will need to fill out and submit an online Department Deposit form: Department Deposit Process and then follow the outlined steps to arrange for cash delivery to 177 Huntington.
Contact Us for Help
· For more detailed instructions, please see Department Deposit Process User Guide
· For any further questions, please contact Treasury Services at [email protected] .
checkSolution 3: Deposit Advancement-related gifts
Contact Noreen Gallagher at [email protected] or 617.373.2793.
checkSolution 4: Learn more
Cash and checks must be processed in compliance with Northeastern’s Policy on Handling Payments Made to the University. View the policy here.
To request an exception to the Policy on Handling Payments Made to the University, please contact Treasury at [email protected].