
Modified Process: Direct Submit Contracts

Modified Process: Direct Submit Contracts image

Finance has implemented an electronic process for submitting and signing contracts that may bypass the Office of General Council. To submit a contract directly for signature, please follow the process below.

Direct Submit Contracts Modified Process:

1) Save your checklist and any other supporting documents in one PDF file and the contract to be signed as a separate PDF file.

  • Please use the following name convention for the Contract: Gatekeeper Name-Vendor-Contract.
  • Use the following name convention for any supporting documents: Gatekeeper Name-Vendor-SupDocs.
  • If you have multiple contracts with the same vendor please add a number to the file name example: Gatekeeper Name-Vendor-Contract-1.

Each department has a drop off folder. Reach out to Contract Signature via email if you need access.

3) Upload a copy of your contract PDF file to your department folder.

4) Send an email to the Contract Signature mailbox ([email protected]) to alert us that you have uploaded contracts needing signature.  Please indicate how many files you have uploaded and to which department folder.

  • The subject line in the email should list the name of the Gatekeeper and the Vendor in the subject line as follows:  Gatekeeper Name-Vendor.

Finance will process the contract and have it signed.

6) The Gatekeeper & Submitters will receive a copy of your signed contract back via Email/DocuSign.

Thank you for your attention to this revised temporary process.  We are committed to working with you to maintain the operations of the university.