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Tracking COVID expenses with Banner activity code

Due to COVID19, the university experienced new costs to accommodate remote work arrangements including new computer equipment, supplies, and other materials.  The university will continue to have COVID-related expenses moving forward such as personal protection equipment, cleaning supplies and various capital purchases. It will be important for us to have a timely and accurate picture of these expenses and the ability to track these costs.  The instructions below will help you to track COVID expenses using the activity code.

  • checkSolution 1: DPAY & Expense Vouchers

    To allow for a more effective method to capture payment transactions that include COVID-19 expenses, the Accounts Payable team has created new DPAY (domestic) and Expense Voucher forms which will include a new Activity Code field.   Please use these updated forms effective immediately. 

    • Step 1

      Use this form if you made domestic purchases of goods/services – Direct Pay Form (Domestic Purchases)

    • Step 2

      Use this form if you had expenses while travelling – Expense Voucher

    • Step 3

      Amex FX international payment requests will be part of future phases.

    • If you have any further questions, please contact us at: [email protected].

  • checkSolution 2: SSB Requisitions

    When you add the Activity Code to the requisition it will automatically populate on the PO when the requisition is converted, and on the invoice when it is paid from the PO.

    • Step 1

      There is an Activity Code field on the Requisition form between Program Code and Location Code. Enter “COVID” in the Activity Code before submitting your requisition.

  • checkSolution 3: Concur

    When reconciling expenses in Concur you will notice that there are two new fields for each expense:  COVID related expense and activity code.  The default for each expense entry will be “NO” and blank, respectively. For COVID-19 related expenses, please follow the steps below.

    • Step 1
      Select “YES” as a COVID related expense.
    • Step 2

      Select “COVID” inside the Activity Code dropdown list.

  • checkSolution 4: Journal Voucher Form

    Adding the COVID code to an existing expense must be done with a Journal Voucher. The online JV form (K2) does not have the activity code field available. For now, please use the Manual Journal Voucher Form to submit JVs to record COVID activity on previously recorded expenses.

    • Step 1

      Prepare a manual JV using this form and include on the DEBIT side of the form the index and account code from the original transaction and fill in “COVID”.

    • Step 2

      Please attach the form and all backup and send over to [email protected].

  • checkSolution 5: myMarketplace

    To log a transaction as a COVID19 expense, the “Activity Code” field’s drop-down option can be used. Note: This field is not mandatory to submit the form.

    • Step 1

      Select the drop-down below the “Activity Code” field and click “COVID”.

    • Step 2

      If available, enter the Location Code in the “Location Code” field.

    • Step 3

      Click Apply.

  • checkSolution 6: E-Builder requisitions for Facilities

    This solution will be implemented as part of a future phase.

    • Step 1

      To be announced.