Buy/Pay for Goods or Services
Learn purchasing guidelines (Procure to Pay)
Submit an invoice to pay a vendor
Buy/pay for goods or services
Find the status of an invoice or payment
Find a vendor check number
Stop a payment
Create a professional services agreement
Submit a change order
Certify an independent contractor
Pay Northeastern
Bill Customers
Deposit cash or checks
Locate a deposit
Handle an unidentified check
Request a departmental (nontuition) refund
Pay my tuition bill
Find a list of my student loans
Consolidate my student loans
Plan Travel or Prepare an Expense Report
Apply for and use an AMEX (NUCard)
Complete an expense report or get reimbursed for travel
Plan work-related travel
Find Vendor Information
Learn about campus access
Learn more about supplier diversity
Become a Northeastern vendor
Find and select a vendor
Manage Funds: Budgets, Accounting, and Taxes
Northeastern University Finance Overview
Create Budget Transfers and Queries
Tracking COVID expenses with Banner activity code
Create and process a Journal Voucher
Approve or deny a Journal Voucher
View Journal Vouchers
Reassign a Journal Voucher
Transfer or wire money
Create a fund code
Create an organization code
Use e-Print
Use Argos
Use Cognos
Prepare and manage a TM1 budget
Find fringe benefit and salary benefit rates
Find research funding information
Dispose of, move, sell, or donate equipment
Book Appointment For Asset Tagging
An organization number is a six-digit code that defines a department within a division. Every department has its own organization number and falls within the university’s division hierarchy.
Complete the New Organization Request Form.
Email the completed form to the Accounting Office at [email protected]. You will receive an email notification when the code has been created.
Junnie Ngan Associate Director, Budget & Financial Analysis