Plan work-related travel
Northeastern faculty and staff occasionally must travel on the university’s behalf. Christopherson Business Travel is Northeastern’s preferred vendor for booking online travel. All Northeastern travel contracts are loaded into Concur’s system.
Does Northeastern have a preferred vendor for booking online travel?
Yes, Christopherson Business Travel (CBT) is the preferred travel management company for booking online travel. CBT is the vendor and Concur is the host site. Rates are preloaded and can be accessed using the Travel Module in Concur.
Can I arrange travel for another employee?
Yes, to arrange travel for another employee please have the employee assign you as a travel delegate on their account in Concur.
To assign delegates:
Go into Concur -> Profile -> Profile Settings -> under ‘Travel Settings’ click Assistants/Arrangers -> add an assistant -> type in name of employee who you would like granted access to your account -> click on employee -> check ‘Can book travel for me’ -> Click save -> Click save.
You cannot purchase travel accommodations for other full time employees using your account and corporate card.
Can I pay for travel expenses of another full-time Northeastern employee?
No. In order to comply with the University’s employee/supervisor approval policy, each employee is required to pay for all of their own travel-related expenses, whether the purchase(s) is made with a NU Card or personal funds.
Can a cardholder share his/her card with another employee to make purchase?
No. NUCards (Amex corporate cards) can only be used by the individual whose name appears on the card. Cards and card numbers must be safeguarded against use by unauthorized individuals within or outside of the university.
What are the most important characteristics of Northeastern’s Travel and Expense Policy?
- Expense reports must be approved by your next-level supervisor.
- Itemized receipts that include the Payor and Method are required for all purchases greater than $75.
- A business purpose is required for all purchases.
What work- and travel-related expenses are reimbursable?
View this list.
Are work-related meals reimbursable?
Yes. The next-level supervisor must review meal charges for reasonableness before approving reimbursement. Employees are always required to provide the business purpose.
Is car mileage reimbursable?
Yes. The current rate is .54 cents per mile. The rate is subject to change each year.
Is flight insurance reimbursable?
Yes, if this cost is approved by the traveler’s next-level supervisor.
Are airline amenities such as extra leg room or boarding priority fees reimbursable if my seat is in economy class?
Yes, if your next-level supervisor approves.
Is it OK to book the next class of service for my flight?
First-class domestic air travel and business class on international flights are not reimbursable unless authorized in advance by the President and/or the responsible member of the Senior Leadership Team for extended flights. Travelers with medical conditions that require the next class of service above economy class must have documentation from a physician certifying the condition. Approval by your SVP is necessary for the next class of service above economy for both domestic and international travel.
Can I be reimbursed for travel expenses I’ve paid before taking a work-related trip?
Will the university’s insurance provider cover me for international travel?
The university provides some insurance for travelers. Travelers also bear the responsibility for ensuring that they have adequate personal insurance coverage for locations they travel to and through. Learn more here.
Will I have to pay sales tax if I make purchases on the university’s behalf?
In a conventional retail transaction, sales tax is levied on the sale of goods. However, Northeastern is a nonprofit organization that is exempt from most state taxes. Before purchasing goods for the university, provide our federal tax exemption number (04-1679980) to the vendor to ensure that you are not charged sales tax. Find state-based tax exemption forms here. If you are charged sales tax, contact the vendor to seek a refund.
Are copies of receipts acceptable? The person I’m reimbursing can’t send original receipts; they are located in another state or country.
Original receipts are preferred but copies are accepted when necessary.
Are employees who make purchases on the university’s behalf required to have an AMEX (NUCard)?
No, but it is the preferred method of payment for most purchases under $5,000.
What should I do if a vendor does not accept my NUCard?
Alternative options are:
- If you have not yet purchased the good or service, seek another supplier who accepts the NUCard.
- If the merchant cannot provide a reason, call AMEX at 1.800.528.2122 to learn why the card was denied.
- Use your personal credit card and file a reimbursement request with the university through Concur. Learn how here.
- Contact Michael Mallon or Mary Ann Walsh in Accounts Payable at [email protected] or [email protected].
- Withdraw cash and pay the vendor. Then notify Mike Mallon or Mary Ann Walsh in Accounts Payable at [email protected] or [email protected] about the card rejection.
How do I complete an expense report or get reimbursed for travel?
To complete an expense report or get reimbursed for travel, view the steps here.
Can I arrange travel for a university guest?
Yes, please fill out a guest booking request form found here.
Instructions where to submit the request can be found on the form. Guests are defined as visitors who are not employees and might include job candidates, speakers, athletic recruits, guest lectures, etc.
Only employees with the guest booking feature added to their Concur account can book for guests.
After the feature has been added to your account, you will see a ‘Book for a guest’ link in the trip search section (left side of screen).